After "Thirsty Thursday's," beer pong tournaments, and three-man have helped to keep college students away from their desks and out at the bars, some schools have come up with an interesting idea to bring the focus back to studying.
According to the Poynter Institute's website, a University of Missouri study has found that students who don't take Friday classes drink twice as much alcohol as their peers with early morning classes. In fact, a recent study by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University says that 49 percent of full-time college students binge drink-or consume five or more drinks in a night for men, and four or more drinks in a night for females. Two-thirds of the students who binge drink on a Thursday night do not have class on Fridays.
As a result, some schools that rank on the Princeton Review list of heavy partiers have decided to offer more and earlier classes (before ten a.m.) on Fridays.
According to stateline.org, states are joining the fight against excessive drinking as well. Utah recently became the 28th state enacting a law that prohibits happy hours or bar specials that offer unlimited deals.
When asking residents of Cortland County how to deal with binge drinkers, one person had a simple answer:
Really? More and earlier Friday classes?! I'm glad we're graduating soon. Anyway, I followed the stateline website. It was nice to see that Friday classes weren't the only way they were trying to make a difference. I found out about the online course thing that some colleges are making all incoming students take, AlcoholEdu. I wonder if it will really make difference though. Do the people who binge drink really care about the possible negative effects of alcohol?
I thought this was a great topic to cover a story because college students are most likely to be involved in binge drinking. From your links provided,it was very shocking to see what drinking on Friday's and Saturday's are called.
I would have loved for you to have linked us to the website of the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse.
Your story was interesting because most people I know go to the bar on their day off-most likely Friday- for a heavy drink to relieve stress.
It's even more alarming to know people consume so much alcohol in one sitting for fun and games.
October 17, 2007 10:08 PM
Nothing I like more than a national study that proves the obvious. Of course students will drink on Thursday nights if they don't have Friday classes.
Anyways, I liked the link to the beer pong site. The site talked primarily about beer pong tournaments, which I found interesting. It spelled out the rules very clearly.
I had never heard of three-man before. The link to that site laid down specific instructions that are easy to follow. Not like I'm looking for drinking games, but its interesting to know.
Good work
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